Typography is the technique of arranging type to make communication in written language effective. Some experts call it the art of choosing the right fonts, line lengths, point size, and other attributes of written letters. In general, the subject studies arrangement, style, and appearance of the letters, as well as numbers and symbols. So, if you have a dissertation in typography to complete, there is a wide range of topics to consider.
When you have to choose a topic yourself, it often seems complicated. So, many students feel confused and cannot decide whether to pick something interesting to them or go with a topic that would impress their instructors. In truth, you will have more fun by choosing the idea that you hold a passion for but consult your professor if you have any doubts.
Either way, you need to ensure that your idea is specific and brings something new to the field. It’s recommended to avoid topics that have already been researched on. Your dissertation should address a particular problem and provide a solution to it so that you will make your paper useful for the target audience.
Having a list of great sample dissertation topics is helpful because you can figure out what aspects to pay close attention to in your paper. So, study the carefully selected topics below to get inspired:
Tricks and tutorials for students getting their doctoral level degree.