Dissertation Writing Ideas On Domestic Violence: A List Of Suggestions

Even as we are ensconced into the 21st century, we are ailed by the malaise of our own making. Our world is largely patriarchal and women bear the brunt of snide remarks and suspicion on capacity even in educated families; such is the germ of this disease.

The spectral end

Domestic violence is just one end of this spectrum. Again, male superiority is so steeped in general conscience that quite a few women accept the husband’s right to chastise them. This is a subject of unique research and thorough dissertations.

Points that lead

You can address the panoply of thought processes that lead to domestic violence. The focal points are aggressive males, submissive females; environment conducive to domestic violence (joint families are ironically more conducive as females don’t feel empowered to relate this to other family members).

Women and kids

In your dissertation, you can address the effect that domestic violence has on women and kids. The women’s capacity to react and retort peters off gradually. The kids begin to accept the decorum that women are meant to suffer from violence. This is a sensitive issue.

The societal indulgence

Your dissertation can move towards the acceptance of society. How most societies know that domestic violence is an inherent part of a family but is not aroused to help the victim; how they advice the women to accept this as fate. In fact, homes where women are not violated are thought to host an incapable male.

The sequential progression

Your dissertation may also head towards how domestic violence is sequential. Just because elder brother treats his wife like a commodity; the younger ones follow suit. This then is the acquired reflex of the growing kids, who start giving less weight to mothers in family matters. Needless to say, movies on domestic violence worsen the scenario.

The solution

Your dissertation should look to offer a solution by mentioning the steps that the harrowed victims can take. There is the legal procedure; the awareness campaign, the right to challenge domestic violence. Sadly, in quite a few families, mother in laws are compatible with the issue of domestic violence. This sadism is a legacy of our past generations.

Raise a voice

You should look to empower women by reading them their rights and the manner of living with dignity. Another problem with domestic violence is that most women hardly bother about it as long as they are not violated. Your dissertation needs to raise a conjugal stand against domestic violence.


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